Peach Frenzy!

The month of May has been overflowing with peaches! I only have one tree, but the round fragrant bounty keeps coming. I have been pealing, canning, baking, and freezing the delicious fruit. My mom helped me can some peach preserves; they turned out tasting like the real thing (I was a little surprised, I admit).

I picked the last peaches today. It was a little bittersweet. I was glad I didn’t have to deal with the sticky, messy fruit any longer, but I also had a brief glimpse at the pride famers must feel when they bring in a crop. I am contemplating planting even more fruit trees.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my peachy experience!

Juicy Goodness

Juicy Goodness
Backyard Bounty

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Gardener

I am so excited to join the world of organic gardening! I am discovering so many resources and extraordinary things that I find I have to make more room in my schedule for this stuff! I also have never blogged before and last night when I should have been sleeping, I lie awake trying to figure out where I could multi-task in my busy schedule to work on this new garden blog. I'm hooked!

Why a Garden?

My husband and I eat fresh tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt enough to warrant looking into growing our own components. I started a backyard garden because I was spending a small fortune on fresh organic herbs at the super market. I began with basil, parsley, cilantro, thyme, and oregano, and tomatoes, but gardening was so fun that I was hooked. My parents just happen to be master gardeners, and I grew up playing in rows of green growing things. With their help (Sweet Life Garden), my gardening adventures began. Eventually, I had more basil, tomatoes, spaghetti squash, and bell peppers than my family could eat!

Our veggies have done surprisingly well. Last year we got a plethora of spaghetti squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and bell peppers. We harvested more than our family could eat!

Fresh Herbs!
We have already saved tons of money by growing our own herbs! Fresh and delicious, the herbs add so much flavor to our dishes!